Field Evaluation of Advanced Traffic Signal Control System Improving Operations and Safety for Rural Signalized Intersections.

Kim, K. & Ryu, S.

An advanced traffic signal control system was developed and applied to minimize both delay and potential crashes at high-speed rural intersections.The system was installed at 5 rural intersections and was evaluated in terms of safety and operational benefits. It was enhanced with intelligent functions for both eliminating crashes at the end of phase termination by providing the dilemma actuated control and increasing traffic throughputs for consecutive intersections by providing the coordinated signal control. The system was also designed to actuate when pedestrians push a button push or left turning vehicles occupy a detector in a left-turn bay. The operational and safety benefits were evaluated at five high-speed rural signalized intersections.

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C 46723 (In: C 46669 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E852412

In: ITS in daily life : proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Stockholm, Sweden, September 21-25, 2009, 8 p.

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