Field evaluation of construction alternatives for roadways over soft subgrade.

Edil, T.B. Benson, C.H. Bin-Shafique, M.S. Tanyu, B.F. Kim, W.-H. & Senol, A.

Alternative methods for providing a stable platform over soft subgrades were evaluated using a 1.4-km section along a Wisconsin State highway that incorporated 12 test sections to evaluate 9 different stabilization alternatives. A variety of industrial by-products and geosynthetics were evaluated for stabilization. The industrial by-products included foundry slag, foundry sand, bottom ash, and fly ash as subbase layer materials. The geosynthetics included geocells, a nonwoven geotextile, a woven geotextile, a drainage geocomposite, and a geogrid. The same pavement structure was used for all test sections except for the subbase layer, which varied depending on the properties of the alternative material being used. All test sections were designed to have approximately the same structural number as the conventional pavement structure used for the highway, which included a subbase of granular excavated rock. Observations made during and after construction indicated that all sections provided adequate support for the construction equipment and no distress was evident in any part of the highway. Each of the alternative stabilization methods, except a subbase prepared with foundry sand, appear to provide equivalent or greater stiffness than that provided by control sections constructed with excavated rock. However, the foundry sand subbase is providing adequate support. Analysis of leachate collected from the base of the test sections shows that the by-products discharge contaminants of concern at very low concentrations.

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C 27597 (In: C 27592 S [electronic version only]) /42 / ITRD E820199

In: Geology and properties of earth materials 2002 : soils, geology, and materials, Transportation Research Record TRR 1786, p. 36-48, 11 ref.

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