Field observations of truck operational characteristics related to intersection sight distance.

Mason Jr., J.M. Fitzpatrick, K. & Harwood, D.W.

Several pilot field studies were conducted to test a data collection methodology for the evaluation of AASHTO Case III-B and C sight distances for trucks at stop-controlled T intersections. The data collection plan used a combination of three traffic observation techniques: video recorders, human observers, and portable traffic data collectors. Specific findings included estimates for the gaps (time and distance) that trucks on a minor road accept during a turn manoeuvre onto a two-lane roadway, the average acceleration rate for the turn manoeuvre of a truck on a minor road, and the average deceleration rate of vehicles on a major road during a truck's turn manoeuvre from a minor road. The speed reduction by a vehicle on a major road during the truck's turn manoeuvre and the minimum separation distance between the turning vehicle and an oncoming vehicle were also estimated.

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C 25291 (In: C 25273 S) /72 / IRRD 843955

In: Transportation management, high occupancy vehicles HOV systems, and geometric design and effects, Transportation Research Record TRR 1280, p. 163-172, 12 ref.

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