Field of view directly behind large trucks and buses. Paper prepared for the 54th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 1975.

Reiss, M. L. & Lunenfeld, H.

This paper summarize the research performed during the conduct of a study for the NHTSA while the authors were at the AIL division of Cuther Hammer Inc. The blind area directly behind many small trucks and multipurpose vehicles and almost all large trucks and buses was investigated to determine the information elements the driver needs to reduce the driving risk for various driving situations. Accident data, drivers evaluation of risk and information needs, and vehicle use patterns obtained from riding with truck and bus drivers were utilized to determine that the blind area increases the driving risk most for: backing, turning (including lane changes, merges, entering and exiting expressways) and slowing and stopping in that order. Approximately a half million yearly truck accidents could be prevented given a system effectively providing rear blind area information. Several state-of-the-art techniques have the potential to eliminate the blind area behind the various vehicles. Based on a survey of manufacturers information and devices a comparison was made of the alternative techniques on the basis of such criteria as potential effectiveness in the operational environment, cost, maintainability, availability, etc. it was concluded that the utilization of an effective rear vision system would have a positive payoff for several of the vehicle types considered. The techniques that appear most promising are TV systems, closing rate sensors (Doppler radar), and proximity sensors (acoustic). Existing periscope systems were not feasible for any of the larger vehicles. Fiber optics, infrared sensors, laser sensors, did not meet the performance and cost criteria. The primary recommendation is to perform selected tests and demonstrations of readily available existing systems on such vehicles and under such conditions as to supplement the system analysis of this study with experimental data. (Author/publisher)

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B 6343 /83/91/

Falls Church, Bio Technology Inc., 1975, 24 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.

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