Fietsoversteken op rotondes : supplement bij publicatie 126 `Eenheid in rotondes'.


CROW publication 126a is a supplement of CROW publication 126, 'Uniformity in roundabouts' [only in Dutch] that appeared in 1998. Publication 126 advised that cyclist on urban roads should get right-of-way, but not on rural roads. On rural roads this has been almost completely complied with. On urban roads, however, municipalties diverge from policy considerations and sometimes deviate from the recommendation. The result is that, for road users, it is not always clear who has right-of-way. From a road safety point of view, the road user should be able to see, with one blink of an eye, which priority rule applies. That is why CROW commissioned a study of which features determine the recognition of the on-site priority rule. The design and results of the study are described in publication 126a. Following from this, the publication makes concrete recommendations for the layout of safe urban crossing over by cyclists, both those with and without right-of-way. See also C 14870 S (ITRD E201212).

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C 26070 [electronic version only]

Ede, C.R.O.W kenniscentrum voor verkeer, vervoer en infrastructuur, 2002, 28 p., 4 ref.; Publicatie ; No. 126a - ISBN 90-6628-348-3

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