A final technical report on the Belgian Intelligent Speed Adaption (ISA) trial.

Page, J.M.

A final technical report on the Belgian Intelligent Speed Adaption (ISA) trial. Thirty-four vehicles participated to the Belgian ISA trial around the city of Ghent. The tested ISA device is the "Limit Advisor M2002" from the Swedish company Imita. Hundreds of it were already tested in other European trials. It complies with some EMC regulations and functional safety tests. The "Limit Advisor" can be installed in most cars providing that enough space is present under the bonnet and that the gas pedal articulation is appropriate. Main issues encountered are the deficient logging tool, the poor mechanical reliability, the digital map's small capacity and discrepancies between the real world situation and the retrieved local speed limits. (Author/publisher)

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20041851 g4 ST (In: ST 20041851 [electronic version only])

In: Innovatie : van inspiratie naar realisatie ? : 31ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Zeist, 24 en 25 november 2004, deel 7, p. 1807-1822, 15 ref.

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