A finite element approach to occupant simulation: The PAM- CRASH Airbag model.

Hoffmann, R. Pickett, A.K. Ulrich, D. et.al.

In the last several years the Finite- Element Method has been successfully used in assessing and optimizing vehicle crash performance. Occupant modelling however, has remained the domain of gross motion simulators which make use of rigid body dynamics. A new approach to occupant simulation using the Finite Element Method is presented. The three- dimensional modelling of an airbag using the modified explicit dynamic FE- Code PAM- CRASH is the first step in this direction.

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B 29028 (In: B 29020) /91 / IRRD 823695

In: Automotive Frontal Impacts. SAE Publication No.SP- 782. International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 27 - March 3, 1989, p.79- 88, 19 ref. SAE Paper No.890754.

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