Finite element model of human lower extremities in a frontal impact.

Wykowski, E. Sinnhuber, R. & Appel, H.

This paper presents a finite element model (FEM) of human lower extremities in PAM-CRASH TM code as part of a collaborative effort between Volkswagen AG, Germany and Engineering Systems International (ESI), France. The model includes the ankle/foot complex and the tibia, fibula, patella, and femur as well as some of the knee ligaments with the approximate anatomical structure and a mass distribution of a 50th percentile male. It replaces the lower extremities of a 50th percentile HIII dummy and is connected with the pelvis of the dummy. This model is used in an effort to investigate injury mechanisms during a frontal impact. The FE dummy with the FE human legs is placed in a car model which has a simplified interior structure. The objective of the paper is to analyse the loadings and kinematics of the legs for different combinations of intrusion depth and intrusion velocity of the foot rest, the pedals, the steering wheel and the dashboard.

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C 16556 (In: C 16548) /84 / ITRD E203733

In: Proceedings of the 1998 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Göteborg, Sweden, September 16-18, 1998, p. 101-116, 13 ref.

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