Fire tests and criteria for mass transportation seats : paper presented at the International Congress and Exposition, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, February 23-27, 1981.

Williamson, R.B. & Fisher, F.l.

The role of polyurethane seats in fire growth is briefly reviewed. The focus of this paper first of all determines the fire characteristics and hazards of the original polyurethane BART (Bay Area Rapid Transportation) seats and secondly, evaluates replacement seating materials. Fire test procedures are described and test results are given for both the polyurethane and the LS-200 "Low Smoke" seats. (A)

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810956 ST [electronic version only]

Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1981, 12 p., 6 ref.; SAE Technical Paper Series ; No. 810013 - ISSN 0148-7191

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