The first four years of driving.

Sánchez Martín, F.

The following research is a long-term study (1987-1992) conducted on a sample of drivers in the Community of Madrid, (Spain). The aim of the study was to provide the widest available description of psychomotor aptitudes, personality and other personal and social characteristics of driving candidates, previous to being influenced by driving activity. After some years of driving experience, they would pass a follow-up exploration so that, in case of incidents, accidents, repeated offences or any other problem related to road safety, relations could be identified between that type of events and previous characteristics of the drivers before any driving experience, establishing a distinction between those previous personal characteristics and those others, more situational ones, which could be the result of incidents-accidents actually happened. (A)

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C 18421 (In: C 18416 S) /83 / ITRD E201792

In: Proceedings of the conference `Road safety in Europe', Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 9-11, 1996, VTI Konferens No. 7A, Part 3, p. 65-91

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