Flexible on-board equipment for ETC applications.

Eisses, S.M. Engdahl, H.J. & Gerritse, J.J.

This paper discusses flexibility features of On-Board Equipment (OBE) containing an IC-Card (ICC) as may be used in RTTT applications, in particular Electronic Toll Collection. Interoperability issues relating to the ICC application and the OBU-ICC interlace are the primary focus. The paper accounts for desired flexibility features with regards to the On-Board Unit (OBU), derived from a high-level requirements analysis. The OBU should allow for the accomodation of new (versions of) payment means, new ICC-based applications and cross-border / cross-operator use at minimum costs and inconvenience to the user. Alternative OBU-ICC concepts supporting these flexibility features, and their pro's and con's, are discussed. For the covering abstract see IRRD E102946.

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C 26507 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD E102988

In: Towards the new horizon together : proceedings of the 5th world congress on intelligent transport systems, held 12-16 October 1998, Seoul, Korea, Paper No. 2050, 5 p., 3 ref.

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