Fluctuation theory of colour discrimination of normal trichromats.

Walraven, P.L. & Bouman, M.A.

The colour difference required for the threshold is related to the statistical fluctuations in the rates of absorption of quanta by the 3 colour components in the visual system. A revision of the Thomson-Wright curves has been used as an estimate of the 3 cone sensitivity curves. A derivation of the shape of these curves is given in an appendix. A transformation from the Young-Helmholtz scheme into the Hering scheme is introduced to account for the independent variation of red-green and yellow blue discrimination with visual angle. Furthermore it is assumed that with increasing luminance the blue system has to be given an increasing weight in hue discrimination.

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2 + 6 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 362 fo

From: Vision Research, 1966, No. 6, p. blz. 567-586.

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