Fluid mechanics, finite elements and supercomputers.

Engelman, M.

Computational fluid dynamics has long been the realm of finite difference and finite volume techniques although the use of finite element techniques in structural and solid mechanics applications in industry is now widespread and well established. This paper will address the relative merits and use of numerical stimulation, in particular finite elements, in fluid mechanics in the context of the automotive industry and the role of the supercomputer in the stimulation of realistic problems. The turbulent calculation of airflow around a car body using a finite element program will be presented. (A)

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C 4860 (In: C 4857) /91 / IRRD 821268

In: Automotive applications of supercomputers : International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 23-27, 1987, SP-708, SAE Technical Paper 870563, p. 25-30, 6 ref.

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