Foam-in-place form fitting helmet liners.

Allinikov, S. J.A. Ziegenhagen & W.H. Morton

The feasibility of a foamed-in-place, form fitting foam helmet liner for air force crash or flying helmets has been proven. The work done under this program has demonstrated that high quality polyurethane foam helmet liners may be foamed-in-place directly on the flying crew member's head, producing a perfectly fitting helmet liner with a minimum of time, labour and inconvenience. Furthermore, these liners may be produced at an extremely modest cost and a standard government issue helmet may be customized at a fraction of the cost of a commercially available customizing service and in a fraction of time.

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6 + 1 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 6716

Ohio, Air Force Materials Laboratory, 1970, 36 p.

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