Folksam's bicycle helmet test 2015.

Sigson, H. & Kullgren, A.

Bicycle helmets need to absorb energy more effectively. The helmet safety standard of today is no guarantee for a high helmet safety level. Our study shows that a conventional helmet that meets today´s standards does not prevent you from getting a concussion in case of an accident. The EU helmet standard limits the force to the head to be under 250g. This level corresponds to 40 % risk of skull fractures. Based on our shock absorption test, all helmets except from five (Abus S-Force Peak Official Vasalopp-helmet, Carrera Foldable, Giro Sutton MIPS, Occano Urban Helmet och Yakkay) limit the linear acceleration less than 180 g, which corresponds to 5 % risk of skull fractures. The Hövding 2.0 helmet performed almost three times better than all the other conventional helmets (48 g vs. other helmets that were around 175 g). The most important is that this helmet also reduced the rotational energy to the head better than conventional helmets. In the oblique impact tests helmets equipped with MIPS preformed better than helmets without the system. The difference was higher in the oblique impact with contact point on the upper part of the helmet (y-rotation) and contact point on the side of the helmet (x-rotation) than in the oblique impact with contact point on the back side of the helmet (z-rotation). All helmets need to more effectively reduce rotational energy. (Author/publisher)

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20189252 ST [electronic version only]

[Stockholm], Folksam, 2015, 13 p., 6 ref.

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