Försök med djupdränering = Experiments with deep drainage.

Bäckman, L.

The aim of this reported experiment has been to test and evaluate deep drainage in regard to draining effect and influence on the damage trend. Full scale experiments with deep drainage have been performed on three road sections where high ground water levels had been recorded. Two of these experiments were performed on sections where relatively extensive damage had been observed. The third experiment was performed in a road building project where a water saturated formation could not support the pavement material. The drainage conditions on the sections have been documented through ground water level measurements both before and after the drainage measures were implemented. The increase in damage on the sections has been followed up through damage inspections and levelling. Finally, the drainage system's performance has been studied with flow measurements and in case excavation and inspection. (A)

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C 6294 S /26 / IRRD 871444

Linköping, Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1993, II + 26 p.; VTI meddelande ; 728 - ISSN 0347-6049

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