Fotgaengarreflexer. (Reflectorized materials for pedestrians.)


Problems related to proposals for compulsory use of reflecting light devices for pedestrians are studied. Account is given of various existing devices, the requirements that they should fulfil, testing procedures, use of reflex or light devices, information measures, accident trends, etc. Investigations indicate that reflex devices only modestly improve the motorist's ability to perceive pedestrians in lit-up areas and that darkness accounts more for the occurrence of accidents outside built-up areas than within such areas. Accidents, occurring in non built-up areas without street lighting, generally provide a relatively small part of all pedestrian accidents. Aspects of public opinion, attitudes, the use of reflex devices among children, trespassing, applicability range of the law are discussed. The Nordic road safety council finds, that it does not seem possible to introduce common Nordic legislation about the use of reflectorized materials by pedestrians. However as a basis for consideration in each country, four different models of such legislation are presented by the council. As for other measures than legislation, the council especially wants to stress that reflex devices should be made more readily accessible to the public through more active marketing efforts than today.

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B 16850 /83 / IRRD 214987

Stockholm, Nordisk Trafiksikkerhedsraedet (Nordic Road Safety Council), 1975, 87 p., 4 photos, 5 fog., 10 tab.; Rapport 10

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