Four Initiatives for PIARC to meet Freight Needs and Community Expectations in Road Transport.

Lundstroem, A.

Road freight transport as we know it originated approximately 100 years ago. In terms of the basic machine elements of the vehicle, very little haschanged: combustion engine, driver and load space, steering wheel, frame,axles and transmission. In terms of freight productivity a lot has changed. Taking the relation (load capacity) times (speed) divided by (fuel consumption), the productivity increase has been approximately a factor of onehundred over the past hundred years. Focusing on long distance road freight, this presentation identifies four areas of possible PIARC initiatives.For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 48861 (In: C 48739 DVD) /91 / ITRD E139616

In: Proceedings 23rd World Road Congress, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 3 p., 4 ref.

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