A framework for policies and strategies in the city for pedestrians.

Sanz, A.

This paper overviews the second section of this overall volume. In the past, cities have been modified and regulated in favour of the private car, thus contributing to the reduction of pedestrian movements and pedestrian safety. Main pedestrian-friendly measures and policies include pedestrianised streets and networks, streets and areas where all types of traffic share the street space, improvements in collective transport, promotion of the bicycle, and restrictions on car traffic. Addressing mobility is not seen as sufficient to reorient demands for movement: actions should be taken from the point of view of accessibility. Obstacles and limitations on pedestrian policies include lack of consistent accident data, infrastructure only accessible by car, and the consumer culture: citizens must desire change themselves. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118896.

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C 26771 (In: C 26763) /72 / ITRD E118904

In: COST Action C6 - A city for pedestrians : policy-making and implementation - final report, 2003, p. 125-131

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