Franchissement des intersections et prise de risque : une méthode d'analyse de la situation de conduite aux carrefours.

Monseur, M. & Marchadier, B.

The aim of the study is to analyse criteria susceptible of causing driver's deceleration when approaching intersections. Statistical analysis states clearly the preponderant influence of dynamic constraint compared to the role of traffic regulations. Intersection crossing against safety rules is often seen particularly with vehicles going straight ahead. Some recommendations for improvement are discussed.

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9 + 5 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 6315 (In: B 6309) /83.1/83.2/

In: Accidents et Sécurité du Travail, 1972, p. 141-157, 2 fig., 3 tab., 3 ref.

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