Frangible sign supports. Part 1: recommended procedures for design, testing, installation and maintenance. Part 2: state of the art review.

McInerney, R. Dunjey, M. & Grzebieta, R.

This report, the primary output from Austroads project N.RS.9810 "Standards for Frangible Sign Supports", aims to present uniform guidelines for the verification of the frangibility of sign post structures utilised within Australia. The document outlines crash testing guidelines for the structures, testing facilities, test vehicles, compliance details and reference to the in-service operation of such devices. In the development of the document, available literature on the topic was reviewed, criteria currently used in the assessment of frangibility was investigated, and details of current practice and designs within Australian road authorities were obtained. NCHRP 350 "Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway' Features" (Ross 1993), outlines testing standards in the US and has formed the basis for the guidelines presented in this report. (Author/publisher)

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C 24886 [electronic version only] /73 / ITRD E206245

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2002, 121 p., 26 ref.; AP-R200/02 - ISBN 0-85588-614-5

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