Freeway fatal accidents 1961 and 1962.

Johnson, R.T.

Accident and fatality rates for 1961 and 1962 for freeways are compared to those of conventional highways and streets in california. In 1962 there were 426 fewer people killed in california traffic accidents than there would have been if all travel had taken place on conventional highways and streets. For a given amount of travel, there are a little over one-half as many people killed on freeways as on other roads and streets. The freeway fatal accident rate rose from 2.29 in 1961 to 2.71 in 1962, and the fatality rate rose from 2.70 to 3.35. Ten county routes, amounting to 175 mi, accounted for 90 percent of the statewide increase in fatal accidents, but the accident rate, including nonfatal and property damage accidents on these sections, rose only slightly. (Author)

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State of California, November 1963, 55 p. [Also published as: Highway Research Record, 1965. No. 99, p. 117-137]

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