Freight transport in Singapore : current status and future research.

Olszewski, P. Wong, Y.-D. & Luk, J.

The objective of this paper is to discuss findings from the study of 80 local freight companies and developing a research agenda in road freight transport. The survey investigated a wide range of issues: the characteristics of freight vehicle fleets and their movements, the impact of traffic management measures and information technologies (IT) as well as the critical issues of concern to the local companies. The survey suggests that measures such as Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) and Vehicle Parking Certificate (VPC) do have some impact upon freight operations and congestion remains to be an issue of concern. The results suggest an average distance per trip of 6.8 km for light goods vehicles (LGV), 18.6 km for prime movers and 15.5 km for heavy goods vehicles. The average distances travelled per day ranged from 190 km for LGVs to 230 km for prime movers. These values are higher than national averages for trucks, indicating that freight companies utilize their vehicles more extensively. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208431.

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C 27025 (In: C 26913 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E209373

In: Transport: our highway to a sustainable future : proceedings of the 21st ARRB and 11th REAAA Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 18-23 May 2003, 12 p., 13 ref.

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