Fundamental problems of road traffic safety in the Czech Republic.

Mikulik, J. Valik, K. & Skladany, P.

In this paper an attempt is made to describe developing trends of road traffic safety in the Czech Republic since the revolution in 1989; trends to be expected together with institutional background and problems of road management. The author's conclusion is that the solution will not only require high financial status, but also a total commitment by institutions and a personal acceptance by every citizen in the Czech Republic.

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C 8337 (In: C 8330 a S) /80 / IRRD 874010

In: Proceedings of the conference "Strategic Highway Research Program SHRP and Traffic Safety on Two Continents", The Hague, The Netherlands, September 22-24, 1993, VTI Konferens 1A, Part 1, p. 111-118

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