Funding for highway safety research, development, and demonstration in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Anderson, T.C.

This report presents the results of a study examining the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration' (NHTSA) allocation of resources to highway safety research, development, and demonstration programs (RD&D). The allocation of financial resources to this area is examined for the 1970-1979 time period, and additional analysis is made of the allocation of 403 contract expenditures in NHTSA's proposed 1980-1984 plan. The data on which the analysis is based are actual appropriations figures provided by NHTSA for the period from the 1976 transition quarter through 1979.

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Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute HSRI, 1979, IX + 124 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; UM-HSRI-79-88 / NTIS PB80-137672.

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