Further development of windshields and windshield mounting.

Seiffert, U.W. Ch. Hildebrandt & W. Nitzsche.

The development of windshields and their methods of mounting are covered. By performing tests it has been shown that reinforcement of the interlayer and limiting of the windshield edge mounting would improve the safety factor when accidents occur. The necessity of further development is however dependent on the restraint system used.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 194 fo /91.1

New York, SAE 1972. 28 cm. 8 blz. foto's, tekn. grafn. Presented at the National Automobile Engineering Meeting, Detroit, Mich. May 22-26, 1972. SAE 720355

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