Gaps, kinematics and drivers behaviour.

Erlingsson, S. Jonsdottir, A.M. & Thorsteinsson, T.

Based on data from sophisticated traffic detectors in roads a study of car-following behaviour of drivers has been carried out. The study revealed that a significant proportion of drivers drive very riskily, i.e. the gaps between them and the vehicle in front are far too short in relation to the speed at which they are driving. A simple kinematical model was developed with three different progressions of deceleration during the vehicle braking event to determine the criteria for risky driving. With statistical analysis it was thereafter determined if the definition of risky driving holds. The results can be used to help transportation authorities in their pursuit to improve drivers' behaviour in traffic streams (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E212343.

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C 47483 (In: C 47458 CD-ROM) /71 /83 / ITRD E212358

In: Greener, safer and smarter road transport for Europe : proceedings of TRA - Transport Research Arena Europe 2006, Göteborg, Sweden, June 12th-15th 2006, 7 p., 6 ref.

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