Gearing up for safety : motor carrier safety in a competitive environment.


To identify changes to existing Federal policies and programs that address motor carrier safety related issues, the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) took a comprehensive look at the motor carrier industry and the spectrum of safety programs. Results of that review are contained in this report. Research included a review of the numerous U.S. Department of Transportation and State regulatory, enforcement, and safety programs; accident data resources, truck studies, and accident analyses; and raw accident data. Industry operations and financial performance were assessed, using data from published sources and information provided by both large and small carriers. As a result of this wide-ranging effort, OTA concluded that addressing motor carrier safety issues successfully requires a comprehensive and strategic approach. Congress' choices are to formulate and enact such an approach into law, to institute more aggressive congressional oversight practices, or to leave the problem in the hands of the executive branch. Action is needed in three key areas: (1) increased attention to human performance factors, including training guidelines for drivers and maintenance personnel, driver hours of service and fatigue, and management practices, such as hiring, scheduling, and drug and alcohol testing; (2) stepped-up requirements for technologies to improve safety in over-the-road vehicle operations - these must address vehicle design and equipment requirements, such as tractor-trailer brake compatibility, antilock brakes, and vehicle visibility enhancements, as well as highway structure and design; and (3) concentrated efforts to integrate government activities across all jurisdictional levels, to increase national uniformity for regulations and enforcement, and to improve regulatory compliance for all motor carriers. A summary is provided of major policy options and cost estimates. (A)

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Washington, D.C., United States Congress, Office of Technology Assessment OTA, 1988, VI + 188 p.; OTA-SET-382

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