Gebruik van de bromfietshelm in Nederland in de zomer van 1999

observatie- en interviewstudie in acht Nederlandse politieregio's, uitgevoerd als nulmeting voor de evaluatie van geïntensiveerd politietoezicht in het verkeer. In opdracht van het Openbaar Ministerie, College van Procureurs-Generaal, Parket-Generaal, Bureau Verkeershandhaving.
Goldenbeld, C. & Batstra, J.K.

The Public Prosecutions Department has set, among other things, the stimulation of police enforcement in regard to crash helmet use among moped riders. Regional plans for traffic enforcement drawn up in eight Dutch police regions will have to be implemented in the course of 1999-2000. Included in each of these regional plans is the necessity of monitoring (by means of measuring) the traffic behaviour upon which the enforcement activities are focused. This report gives an account of the baseline measurement for this monitoring that was conducted in late June 1999 for the purpose of establishing the (proper) use of crash helmets previous to the introduction of intensified police enforcement. The study consisted of observations and interviews. All in all, the results indicate that moped crash helmet use deserves ongoing attention from the road safety community. The situation has worsened since 1996. At the very least, the continued deterioration in this regard should be counteracted in the coming years.


C 14851 [electronic version only] /83 /91 / IRRD E203489

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2000, 70 p., 7 ref.; R-2000-8


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