Gebruik van de Ontwerpwijzer Fietsverkeer : bekendheid en toepassing van richtlijnen voor fietsinfrastructuur onderzocht met enquêtes, diepte-interviews en veldwaarnemingen.

Bax, C.A. Petegem, J.W.H. van & Giesen, M.

Use of the Design Guide for Bicycle Traffic : familiarity with and application of the guidelines for bicycle infrastructure investigated by means of surveys, in-depth interviews, and field observations. Cyclists have a considerable risk in traffic, especially of sustaining serious injury. There are multiple causes, such as overcrowding on the bicycle path, use of mobile equipment on the bike, and also the design and maintenance of the cycling infrastructure. SWOV has previously concluded that Sustainable Safety has paid little attention to the quality of the cycling infrastructure. Although the basic road safety principles were incorporated in the Design Guide for Bicycle Traffic, sounds from the field of bicycle safety and field observations in the streets suggest that in actual practice the guidelines often are not or only partially applied. Where the guidelines have been applied, the observation that the infrastructure has regressed too far in quality or no longer meets the latest standards, is slow or fails to be made at all. Consultation with professionals from the field of cycling showed that they find it important to investigate the causes of the discrepancy between the guidelines and the existing cycling infrastructure. This may create opportunities to improve the application of the guidelines.


C 51644 [electronic version only]

Den Haag, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2014, 57 p., 34 ref.; R-2014-23A


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