Geconcentreerde afwikkeling van wegverkeer.

Goot, D. van der Kroes, J.L. de Reijmers, J.J. & Westland, D.

Widening of the freeway infrastructure, especially near river crossings, can meet objections from a point of view of cost and environment. Alternative solutions, to take away existing traffic bottle-necks with their commercial and social loads, could be found in carrying up vehicle densities, at a certain speed, in such a way that stability and safety are not affected. The consequences of these solutions for drivers, environment and society are very different and, in many respects, need further investigations. They have to be judged in the perspective of different possible advantages, especially in the field of freeway capacity, journey times and traffic safety.

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B 24388 (In: B 24375) /21/72 IRRD 286515

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen, Driebergen-Rijsenburg, 8-9 mei 1985, p. 159-178, 4 fig., 15 ref.

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