Geef concurrentie een kans : de openbare aanbesteding van de Sneltram in 2005. Afstudeerverslag Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer NHTV, Breda.

Stehouwer, P.H.

In the context of the Dutch Transportation Act 2000, the tramway line (the "Sneltram") between the towns of Utrecht, Nieuwegein and IJsselstein should be put up to public tender. In this report, a first impetus is given to putting up the "Sneltram" to public tender in 2005. At this moment, the current transport operator, Midnet, has an extreme competition advantage when compared to potential new transport operators. The aim of the study is to draw up possibilities for realizing the situation in which Midnet will not have such an advantage when putting up the "Sneltram" to public tender in 2005.

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C 20330 [electronic version only] /72 /10 /

Utrecht, Bestuur Regio Utrecht, sector Verkeer en Vervoer / Breda, Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer NHTV, 1999, 54 + 19 p., 17 ref.

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