Gehandicapten en bejaarden in het vervoer en het verkeer.

Werner, C.A.T.

The absence of provisions for the handicapped and the aged is often caused by the fact that planners and designers are not fully aware of the problems, the need for proper instruments and the existence of financial limits which, it appears, often play a greater part in fiction than in fact. The author gives a number of suggestions on how to overcome these drawbacks. Some examples are given of projects which are in progress at the time of writing.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 18903 T /83.2 /72 / IRRD 256298

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 32 (1981), No. 6 (juni), p. 287-290, 3 ref.

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