General survey of efficiency and effectiveness of road safety compaigns : achievements and challenges.

Wilde, G.J.S.

Accidents can be noticeably reduced only if the major mechanisms that control the occurrence of these events can be influenced. It is of the utmost importance that these mechanisms are identified and that remedial and preventive measures are found. As far as these critical mechanisms are known or at least apparent at the present moment, it would seem that mass educational efforts such as safety campaigns are one of the most promising courses of action amongst the various conceivable countermeasures. Research workers and campaign designers should be aware of the major methodological problems and make sure that their procedures fulfil the requirements of sound scientific method. See also IRRD abstract no 208624.

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B 21375 (In: B 2628) [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 208625

In: Efficiency and effectiveness of road safety campaigns : proceedings of an International Congress, The Hague, October 19-20, 1972, p. 3-16, 34 ref.

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