A generalized acceleration model for brain injury threshold (GAMBIT)

Newman, J.A.

A criterion for brain injury threshold is proposed which, for the first time, endeavours to take into consideration the combined effects of both translational and rotational kinematics. The validity of the model is assessed by way of a review of all known head injury data bases in which translational and rotational accelerations have been monitored.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 25130 (In: B 25121) /84/ IRRD 293937

In: Proceedings of the 1986 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Zürich Switzerland, 2-4 September 1986, p. 121-131, 5 tab., 6 ref.

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