Generating colour shaded images by computer : VIGIL, an aid to highway design.

Lupton, G.N.

Analyses of accident data indicate the interaction of road user and environment as a primary contributory factor in about a quarter of all road accidents. The potential of computer generated images as an aid to subjective assessment of features of highway design has been investigated, and a system, vigil, (viewing images generated for inspection of road layout) is described. The system can display realistic colour shaded scenes of models containing street furniture, road signs and markings, houses, trees, and basic topology. The models can be viewed from and to any position outside or within the three-dimensional structure by use of a computer program to define the model, and another to generate the pictures according to commands from the user. During the development of vigil it was apparent that the techniques could be utilised as a design aid in broader fields than road safety. The examples illustrated in the report reflect this diversity and were also chosen to test the capabilities of the technique, and to fulfil the market requirements assessed from replies to a questionnaire to the county surveyors society. The applications demonstrated should be of interest to highway, planning, and lighting engineers with a requirement for visualisation. (Author/publisher)


C 39958 [electronic version only] /21 / IRRD 254623

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1981, 33 p., 7 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 959 - ISSN 0305-1293

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