The generation and alleviation of air pressure transients caused by the high speed passage of vehicles through tunnels.

Fox, J.A. & Vardy, A.E.

The possibility of designing a railway tunnel to minimize the air pressure transients which are generated during the entry of a high speed train are investigated. In particular, considerable emphasis is placed on reducing the magnitude and/or the rate of growth of the primary pressure wave which results when the air is first accelerated from rest. Equations of motion for unsteady, compressible flow in a one-dimensional duct are introduced and expressed in characteristic form.

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B 7348 (In B 7139) /25/

In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on the Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels, Canterbury, 1973, edited by H.S. Stephens, A.L. King and C.A. Richardson, Cranfield, British Hydromechanics Research Association, 1974, p. G3-49- G3-64

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