Generic Intelligent Driver Support GIDS : a comprehensive report on GIDS.

Michon, J.A. (ed.)

This book is divided into three parts. Part 1 describes the scientific and technical foundation of the GIDS (Generic Intelligent Driver Support) concept. This includes sections on: (a) the driving task and the driving environment; (b) driver characteristics; and (c) the interactions between the driver, the vehicles and the environment. Part 2 is devoted to the actual GIDS system, and describes design, specification, and implementation. Part 3 covers the evaluation of the GIDS system's technical and behavioural performance, its potential impact and acceptance, and its importance for the development of RTI (Road Transport Informatics) technology. For abstracts of individual chapters see C 26164 - C 26175 (IRRD 859108-859119).

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C 26163 /83 /91 / IRRD 859107

London, Taylor & Francis, 1993, XVII + 252 p., 198 ref. - ISBN 0-7484-0069-9

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