Geographical classification of trips as a tool for policy assessment.

Orfeuil, J.-P.

The analysis of highway traffic depends on a number of factors. In France, for instance, though there is much traffic congestion, the mean automobile speed is increasing. The degree of dependence of growth in traffic upon urban sprawl and how much attention is paid to where our activities are located are other factors to consider. Traffic calming measures need to be factored into the analysis as does energy consumption and decreasing air quality. This chapter addresses the use of geographical analysis of automobile trips and mobility. It tries to show that the use of this tool may improve the comprehension of the problems caused by increasing mobility and the possible failures and successes of growth and development policies.

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C 28125 (In: C 28117) /72 / ITRD E820795

In: Travel behaviour : spatial patterns, congestion and modelling, Transport Economics, Management and Policy Series, 2002, p. 180-194, 7 ref.

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