Gericht verkeerstoezicht op snelheidsgedrag op 80 km wegen : eindrapport.

Riedel, W.J. Rothengatter, J.A. & Bruin, R.A. de

The general 80 km/h speed limit in The Netherlands for roads outside built-up areas is exceeded by a large proportion of motorists. An overview is given here of the study into the effects of traffic enforcement. Radar control with stopping the speeding motorists is the most effective. Intensified surveillance in non-stationary police cars and motorcycles are the least effective. The alternate combination of a radar check post, stopping the speeding motorists and an obtrusive police car along the road is also very effective. Feedback of speeding behaviour by a variable signalization and a regional, multi dimensional publicity campaign on speeding behaviour were effective as a support for surveillance activities. For detailed results presented in earlier reports see IRRD 292072-292074.

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B 26480 [electronic version only] /73 /83 / IRRD 811599

Haren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen RUG, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum VSC, 1986, 60 p., 7 ref.; VK 86-05

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