Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualitat schwerverletzter Unfallopfer : eine Langsschnittstudie mit dem SF-36. [Health-related quality of life of people with severe traumatic injury : a longitudinal study using the SF-36 health survey].

Bauer, J. Beck, B. & Wandl, U.

Even though 85 percent of those who have been severely injured in an accident in Germany survive, complex and serious long-term consequences are still a major problem not only for health and care insurance providers but also for the accident victims themselves because their quality of life is affected permanently. Therefore the aim of the current study is to identify factors that significantly improve the quality of life after a severe traumatic injury and to investigate whether the support by a reintegration service has a positive effect on the victims' quality of life. The sample consisted of severely injured accident victims who were supported by a reintegration service. The data collection comprised three data points. At every data point the SF-36 questionnaire was used to assess the participants' quality of life. The results indicate that an individual medical-vocational support by a reintegration service has the potential to significantly and stably improve the physical aspects of quality of life, even if the accident dates back several years. Furthermore it appears to be important to support the independence of the accident victims because assistance by a third person correlates with a lower degree of physical quality of life, regardless of severity or type of injury. Moreover it becomes clear that it is important to pay more attention to the treatment of psychological consequences of severe accidents. (Author/publisher)

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20131472 ST [electronic version only]

Versicherungsmedizin, Vol. 65 (2012), No. 2 (June), p. 86-90, 14 ref.

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