Getting ahead of the curve.

Chase, S.B. Duwadi, S.R. & Hooks, J.M.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is committed to delivering a safe and cost-effective bridge infrastructure to support U.S. highways. To meet the demand for a 21st century transportation network, FHWA is proposing a robust and aggressive research and technology program to preserve the aging and deteriorating U.S. bridge infrastructure and advance new technologies for designing stronger, longer-lasting bridges. This article discusses this program, termed Bridges for the 21st Century, which will build on and expand the programs pursued under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century.

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I E829981 /24 / ITRD E829981

Public Roads. 2003 /11. 67(3) pp2-7 (5 Phot., 1 Fig., 1 Tab.)

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