Getting traffic moving again.

Bertini, R.L. & McGill, G.E.

Roadway incidents involving work zones or resulting from adverse weather conditions or other causes contribute to approximately 50-60% of the congestion delay on U.S. highways. They lead to major road closures and impact on safety by increasing exposure to hazardous conditions and contributing to secondary crashes. This article describes a study that aimed to document the effectiveness of the Oregon Department of Transportation's rural incident response program. The benefits of such a program for both transportation agencies and motorists are quantified.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


I E828421 /82 / ITRD E828421

Public Roads. 2003 /09. 67(2) pp14-17 (2 Fig.)

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