Gevolgen van letsel dat is opgelopen bij verkeersongevallen : literatuur- en bronnenonderzoek.

Weijermars, W.A.M. Wijnen, W. Bos, N.M. & Wijlhuizen, G.J.

Consequences of injuries resulting from crashes : literature and source study. This report will give an account of a literature and source study into the consequences of (serious) injuries for the functioning of those injured in crashes. The report is meant as a background report to the Road safety assessment 2000-2012; Causes and consequences of road unsafety. In order to map the consequences of injuries on human functioning, the ICF classification as developed by WHO can be applied. According to this classification, injuries may cause impairments, disabilities and handicaps. In addition to medical factors, such as crash injuries, personal and external factors also have an impact on human functioning. This impact is most significant with respect to handicaps and least significant with respect to impairments. It shows from the literature study that the knowledge of the consequences of road injuries on human functioning is rather fragmented. Moreover, the various studies are hard to compare: they discussed different consequences and also used different definitions of disabilities, studied diverse categories of casualties (only serious road injuries or also less serious injuries) and various time intervals after the crash and they used different measuring instruments. As a result, the literature reports various occurrences of disabilities and impairments.


C 51642 [electronic version only]

Den Haag, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2014, 77 p., 73 ref.; R-2014-24A


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