Gezichtsscherpte metingen bij diverse lichtsoorten.

Bouma, P.J.

The visual acuity is measured (in a way, described in a previous article: De Ingenieur 49, nr. 4, A 31, 1934) for objects illuminated by the following light-sources: mercury light, neon light, monochromatic Hg-light of 5461, 5770-5790 and 4358 A respectively, and neon light with a wavelength 6350 A. The visual acuity is highest mercury light, 5461 and 5770 - 5790 A; then follow sodium light, neon light 6350 A, complete neon light, white light and lastly light of 4358 A. The influence of a glaring light-source is studied with sodium light and with white light.

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2 + 12 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 3738 fo

Ingenieur, Vol. 49 (1934), juni, A., p. 243-246.

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