Gids architecture.

Piersma, E.P.H. Burry, S. Verwey, W.B. & Winsum, W. van

This chapter describes the actual implementation of GIDS at the software and hardware levels. The software modules and their functions are introduced in Section 8.1 and subsequently described in more detail in Sections 8.2 to 8.6. In Section 8.2 the connection to the outside world is covered. The software dealing with the driving task is described in Section 8.3. Section 8.4 is concerned with PSALM, the Personalised Support and Learning Module. Section 8.5 describes the user interface of the GIDS system and the way in which workload adaptivity is implemented. Section 8.6 introduces the active controls. This will be followed in Section 8.7 by identifying the allocation of the various software modules in the GIDS system to various pieces of hardware used in both versions of the prototype. One is embedded in the Traffic Research Centre (TRC) simulator, a fixed-base driving simulator, including a dynamic simulation of the Small World with autonomous traffic, and one embedded in ICACAD (Instrumented Car for Computer Assisted Driving), the test vehicle of TNO Institute for Perception. These prototypes differ only in terms of the way navigation and sensory functions are implemented, as described below. Finally Sections 8.8 and 8.9 describe the specifics of the two respective GIDS system implementations. (A) For the covering abstract see IRRD 859107.

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C 26171 (In: C 26163) /91 / IRRD 859115

In: Generic Intelligent Driver Support GIDS : a comprehensive report on GIDS, 1993, p. 147-173

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