The gifted pedestrian.

Whyte, W.H.

The author studies the behaviour of pedestrians in the centre of New York showing how they are the last to be considered in the allocation of space for traffic in priorities of use. Some 41000 people traverse the twelve foot walking space in Lexington avenue per day compared with about 25000 people in vehicles along the 50 feet wide roadway. A comprehensive analysis of traffic flow over the twelve hour period from 7 am to 7 pm showed that when it is heaviest - between 7 and 8 am - the flow is most rapid because of the absence of parked vehicles. During the rest of the day, traffic is squeezed into only two of the five lanes. Traffic flow is lightest at mid-day when the pedestrian flow is heaviest. Buses make up four per cent of the vehicles but carried 37 per cent of the people; cars averaged 1.6 occupants per car, including the driver. The bigger the car the smaller the number of occupants. Likely obstructions to pedestrian flow such as street traders and `schmoozing' are discussed. Various standards for pedestrian amenities are examined and their flaws exposed.

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C 9823 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 282859

Ekistics, Vol. 51 (1984), No. 306 (May/June), p. 224-230, 3 ref.

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