Giratoires en ville : mode d'emploi.

Balaguer, I. & Guichet, B. (réd.)

The many advantages offered by roundabouts especially in terms of safety, have lead designers to increase this type of cross-roads layout in urban and semi-urban environments. Some roundabouts are built forgetting that another type of cross-roads could sometimes represent an answer better suited to the site in question. The purpose of this guide is thus to summarise the advantages and limitations that a roundabout can present in terms of traffic, safety and fitting into the urban environment. Designers will also find a list of the criteria that should be used in the choice of this type of cross-roads. The geometrical characteristics of roundabouts are not dealt with in the guide. (A)

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Lyon, Ministère de l'Équipement, du Logement, des Transports et du Tourisme, Centre d'Études sur les Réseaux, les Transport, l'Urbanisme et les constructions publiques CERTU, 2000, 23 p., 11 ref.; References ; 8 - ISSN 0247-1159

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