Giving the city back to the people.

Roeed, S.

The change into a modern and efficient port has liberated large spaces, making it possible to plan a new quarter in Oslo. At present, the motorway that runs along the fringes of the dock area acts as a barrier between the city and the fjord, and this must be re-routed before urban development can take place. A number of private companies and public sector bodies have carried out a comprehensive planning process. In parallel with this process, contracts have been drawn up, which lay down responsibility for financing and ownership conditions once the development structure has been decided. Based on this, the Public Roads Administration has now commenced upon a road project in the heart of Oslo, which also includes Norway's first immersed tunnel. The total cost framework for the project is NOK 4,600 million, and the construction period will stretch over 7 years. The project will be completed in 2012. This is a project facing great technical and practical challenges, and is somewhat of a jigsaw puzzle if the surrounding areas are to suffer as little as possible during the construction period. Currently, main roads, and railway lines pass through the construction site, and the port activities must also proceed as normal. The construction site lies in what was Oslo's cradle 1,000 years ago, offering a number of archaeological challenges, and there has been industry in the port for 300 years, meaning that large volumes of polluted soil must be excavated and handled in an adequate manner. The main goal of the project was to prepare the way for the development of a new and futureoriented district that meets its inhabitants' needs and interests, at the same time as providing an efficient and safe highway system (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E212343.

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C 47467 (In: C 47458 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E210894

In: Greener, safer and smarter road transport for Europe : proceedings of TRA - Transport Research Arena Europe 2006, Göteborg, Sweden, June 12th-15th 2006, 7 p.

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