Global highways in the 21 century.

Dick, A. (ed.)

This volume contains articles and papers where some leading road experts give their views on how highways will develop in the 21st century. The contributions identify the important part that highways play today in four continents. They also introduce modern techniques that are now being used to ensure more reliable operations, and provide better driver information and road performance. The contributions are grouped to cover the following aspects of highways: (1) development; (2) construction; (3) maintenance; (4) traffic control; (5) vehicle detectors; (6) toll roads; (7) safety; (8) traffic signs; and (9) equipment. Separate abstracts are given for three articles on asphalt technology, one article on driver information services and one paper on a project to investigate how road markings in the EU could be harmonised to increase safety. (see C 15960 - C 15964.

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C 15959 /50 /73 /85 / IRRD E105352

London, Atalink Projects, 1998, 160 p., 32 ref.

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